Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Steam: Portal (Blog-tality)

(An Ode to GlaDos)
This was a triumph.
Achievements were a pain
In the ass!

But part of one hundred percent

I'm super excited!
I'm being so sincere right now.

I do not have to waste more time
In chambers 13 through 18!

And I never want to play this game again,
I'll just wait 'til the sequel releases and then
I will dust off my gun
And the science will get done

But for now I wave Portal good-bye!

FUN: 5/5 - I had to give this game a 5 in fun, because I sure as hell enjoyed it. And because it is just too damned funny.
DIFFICULTY: 3.5/5 - Outside of the challenges, the game is not very difficult at all. The single player campaign probably warrants a 1.5 or 2, but those challenges really bring the average up.
PLAYABILITY: 4/5 - Except for the initial wonkiness and feelings of vertigo one may get from popping out the other side of a portal in somewhat random direction (definitely feels that way at first), this game is really easy to control. The controls are basic, but not simplistic. Anyone with any amount of FPS playtime would have no problem.
FRUSTRATION FACTOR: 4/5 - Without a little bit of youtube peeking, some of those challenges were driving me crazy and might have taken a lot longer to solve. A lot longer.
BEST TAKEAWAY MOMENT - "Remember that time you were sliding into the fire pit, and I said, 'Goodbye,' and you were like, 'No way!' And then I was all like, 'We pretended we were going to murder you? That was great!'"

OVERALL ASSESSMENT: 4/5 - This was second time playing through, but fortunately the replay value is pretty high. I love the game and the game mechanics, but grinding through the achievements and challenges really took the wind out of my sails with enjoying this game. It's similar to what Brett Favre has done right now, I suppose. Currently, his legacy may seem tarnished, but looking back these past few years definitely won't be what he's remembered for.

That said, I still can't wait for Portal 2 to drop.

*EDIT* Oh yeah! Forgot to say - one down, thirty-three to go!

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